BAEST Machinery Holding, a.s. - Benešov

The hostel is located in a quiet area on the outskirts of Benesov. The hostel is connected to the centre of Benešov by public transport.


Bajkservis Tomáš Trojánek - Benešov

Bicycle rental and service


BIKE SPORT 007 - Benešov

Bicycle sales and service


Bistro Guzzi - Benešov

Lovers of good wine, beer or freshly ground coffee will find a place to enjoy at the Guzzi bistro. A pleasant atmosphere is also evoked by the smell of beech wood, on which you will be baked pizza of your choice.


Bistro Mydlářka - Benešov

Bistro Mydlářka offers a selection of ready meals, soups, salads and cold dishes.