Hotel Benica - Benešov

Hotel Benica is an ideal starting point for sightseeing tourism in the beautiful location of Posázaví. The traditional tourist area south of Prague offers a combination of beautiful nature, historical monuments and active relaxation near the Sázava River.


Hotel Konopiště Nová Myslivna - Konopiště

The entire area of Hotel Konopiště is situated in the countryside 500 metres from the Konopiště Chateau, on one side bordered by a forest, on the other by a stream.


Indická restaurace Gateway of India - Benešov

Indian cuisine. It has been known for centuries as the land of gold and aromatic spices. Indian cuisine as an inimitable work of philosophy and religion.The climate of India provides conditions for the growth of countless types of spices. Their use has been appreciated by the Indian people over thousands of years of experience, creating a unique and distinctive cuisine. No other cuisine in the world can match its charm, mystery and sophistication.


Istanbul Kebab Zora - Benešov

The fast food stand offers kebabs in various forms such as boxed, with cheese, Twister Klasik ....


Italská kavárna - cukrárna - Benešov

Italian pastry shop in Benesov offers a large selection of quality desserts of its own production, fruit and ice cream cups made from Italian ice cream, pancakes and pancakes with fresh fruit and ice cream.