
pasáž mezi Tyršovou ulicí a ulicí Karla Nového, 256 01 Benešov
GPS: 49,78220832°N 14,68609539°E Minute GPS format
Obrázek podniku Pasáž Stone Park Benešov
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Cafés and patisseries Čas na kávu - Benešov

Čas na kávu

The aroma of our premium coffee will be the first thing to hit you. The coffee smells intense... then you choose your seat. The chairs are comfortable, you won't want to get up. The taste of coffee will intoxicate you, we have carefully selected Brazil Diamond coffee, which comes from small farmers in the famous Minas Gerais growing region. Natural processing gives this coffee full body, natural sweetness and almost no acidity. Dark chocolate and nuts can be detected in the taste.


Sport facilities Adventure Golf - Benešov

Adventure Golf

Adventure Golf is part of the quiet Stone Park zone, which creates a place in the centre of Benešov that will excite children and adults alike. It is not mini golf or golf, but something in between. It is basically a classic golf course reduced to the size of miniature golf courses.


Sport facilities Stone Bowling Bar - Benešov

Stone Bowling Bar

Stone Bowling bar is located in an attractive newly built quiet zone in the centre of Benešov, in the Stone Park arcade, which connects Tyršova Street and Karel Nový Street. Stone bowling bar offers its visitors 4 professional Brunswick lanes, a cosy stone bar with a summer outdoor terrace, darts, billiards, carom and football. Not only for children, they have newly added indoor amusement machines (hockey, race car, boxer ..).